Sunday, 29 December 2013


Finally folks after six months of waiting I finally have a review for my ebook Timelock  on Amazon uk, and it was well worth waiting for. The reviewer named Marc really liked my work and has given it a full five stars, you can't get better than that!

Friday, 29 November 2013

Top Notch review

Great news today, I've just received an excellent review for my ebook Timelock which is available through all major ebook retailers. The review is from Ken Korczak one of Amazons top reviewers who has gladly taken the time to read and rate my book on A full transcript of the review is available for you to read below, and also a link to Ken's website which contains more of his insightful book reviews.

Such a positive response creates a huge mental lift to a novice writer, and that the story has been appreciated by a professional such as ken, who is an experienced writer and teacher of over twenty years is the icing on the cake.


Timelock by R.G. Knighton is Devilishly Clever Fun: Well Written Campy Blood and Gore Horror At Its Best

I was trying to think of the last time I had as much fun as I did while reading TIMELOCK by R.G. Knighton, and then it hit me: The year was 1987.

I was at the movies with a friend. The film we were seeing was EVIL DEAD II, Sam Raimi's campy-but-ingenious blood and gore classic. Evil Dead II is outrageously goofy but devilishly clever. It became an instant laugh-and-shock-a-minute classic. I still consider it to be among my personal "best movies of all time."

Devilishly clever, nutty, bloody, gory, funny and fun would well describe TIMELOCK, which is actually a set of two novels.

The first book involves a group of twenty-something college students attending a second-tier, but upper crust British university. They began to dabble in occult practices and stumble into a way to open a portal into another time and dimension. Trouble ensues when malevolent spirits leap through the portal and attach themselves to the students.

Each student is now "infected" with evil forces from the distant past. A variety of nutty hijinks ensue. What's worse, one of the evil spirits is that of an extremely powerful witch with the wacky name of "Toomak." She has the power to bring about he return of the Antichrist -- Satan would be unchained resulting in the destruction of everything that is good, decent and holy forever.

R.G. Knighton
While the first novel takes place in the 1980s, the second novel shifts the action to the ancient Mideast at the time of Jesus. In the end, the events of the first novel and the second converge in a climatic ending pitting a fierce battle between the forces of Good and Evil.
What really makes this a first rate novel is the author's superior ability to create interesting characters -- they are ordinary human beings with all the normal strengths and weaknesses of people we find in the real world.

Each character's motivations are shaped by their circumstances and background -- which the author inserts into the narrative with marvelous finesse and ease.

R.G. Knighton is a rare writer -- I believe he is a natural talent. He commands a razor-edged wit and a wonderful sense of sardonic irony. His ability to place ordinary people into extraordinary situations is what gives this book a breezy kind of power that doesn't pretend to be anything but sheer entertainment.

The humor of Timelock is dripping with cynicism. Yes, this is dark humor, but pleasant; it's like a premium dark chocolate with a tad of bitterness but ultimately sweet.

Timelock gets my highest recommendation and will easily make my Top 10 List of best books I've read in 2013.

Ken Korczak is a former newspaper reporter, government information officer and has been successfully freelance writing for the past twenty years.He taught writing at the University of North Dakota. Ken in the author of: MINNESOTA PARANORMALA

Sunday, 17 November 2013

Sorry for the lack of posts of late, the gossip that I've been abducted by aliens is totally untrue. The plain truth is that I have had a hell of a lot of personal issues to attend to and it has taken up nearly all of my time.Also in the spare time that I have had, my creative juices have been flowing so fast I thought it best to make the most of it and write it all down. The result has been a massive chunk of my new ebook 'Hologram Dreams' is now complete and with a little luck it will be available via Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, ibooks etc sometime in the new year.
This new book is a science fiction tale set fifty years into the future and centred around the spectacular visual effects of the entertainment industry and its darker side that is used to create the ultimate in personal fantasy.
It will not be as horrific as my previous book 'Timelock' but it still contains enough action and adventure to keep everyone happy. 

Sunday, 6 October 2013

Following on from my previous blog regarding joining Smashwords, I have decided to do a little promotion. For a limited time only you can now download my ebook for half price with this code ty42y. so if you want a good horror read at a knockdown price give it a go.

Monday, 30 September 2013

For the last three long months I have been waiting to be released from the exclusivity of the KDP Amazon program, and now I am free at last. This gives me the opportunity to publish my masterpiece wherever I like, and Timelock is now available on Smashwords, Barnes and Noble, Apple, and a host of other major retailers around the world. Although the program had some good promotion points, I felt stymied at not being allowed to send review copies to other organisations to help promote the book and this has in turn hindered its progression.
To fill in the time, I have been actively adding to my second fiction ebook entitled 'Hologram Dreams'. This latest tome is a slight change of direction for me, as it is a science fiction story set in a time twenty-five years from today and is focused on the dark underbelly behind the ultimate in entertainment for the mega rich in society.
It will be available sometime in the new year and hope that my style of writing will still entertain fans of my original book.

Friday, 23 August 2013


As a special offer to all my followers I have decided on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th August 2013 to allow free downloads of my e-book Timelock from the Amazon website. Please tell family and friends about this offer and if possible when you have read the novel I would love it if you would please post a review. This will be my last free offer for a while so do not miss out.

Sunday, 18 August 2013

Sorry for not updating my blog recently, but I have been very busy with everyday life helping family and trying to earn a living. Being new to the social networking scene I find it extremely time consuming just keeping up to date with it all as well as taking in all the new information on how to manage each site.I am told this is essential to spread the gospel and connect with people but it seems to give me less time to maintain my passion for writing. I'm sure within a few month I will look back on this blog and wonder what the hell I was talking on about at the time, but for the moment I just feel overwhelmed with it all. Bur as they say every journey begins with a first step, so I will soldier on .

Thursday, 1 August 2013

Very happy today, I have just received my first review for my Ebook Timelock on .and it's an excellent feedback with a full five stars. I could not ask for more than that. Family and friends have all told me how good the book is but to have unbiased positive comments is the confirmation I've been waiting for. I hope this is the sign of things to come and wait with baited breath for the next.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Hi folks, just a few words to let you all know I'm still alive and kicking. I have been away for a few days to Disneyland Paris with my wife and daughter who is the worlds biggest Disney fan.We all had a great time apart from being roasted alive in the heatwave that has been sitting across the UK and parts of Europe for the past couple of weeks. Viewing some of the sights and trying out a few of the rides gave my quite a few ideas that can be used in future horror books. Now back home it has given me a new vigour to continue writing my latest book which is already a quarter of the way towards completion. This new tome has a science fiction theme which probably will not interest everyone but it is still a chilling vision of the future.
Fresh update coming soon as it is now time to get back to work.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Being a novice to the world of blogging I find it amazing that people from all across the globe with an internet connection have taken the time to browse at my mad musings !   
Anyway back to the task in hand. For two days last week I allowed my ebook Timelock to be available for a free download on the Amazon website. The response was phenomenal and I hope that it will provide an entertaining holiday read for the lucky few. If you missed your chance it is still available  for only £1.99 , a bargain if I say so myself ! ;)
Don't forget that  reviews are the lifeblood to internet sales so if you enjoyed it let prospective readers know.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Thank you

Welcome to my second post. First thing I would like to say is that I am overwhelmed by the number of people across the globe who have taken the time to read my first post. All I can say is thank you.

Today is just a short blast for all you horror story fans that is that I am going to be offering my E-Book Timelock for free download on kindle books for two days on the July 11th and July 12th 2013. Should anyone trouble themselves to read my book I would be more than grateful if you could post a review on kindle.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Hello and welcome to my first blog. My name is R. G. Knighton and I would like to tell you all about my first E-book titled Timelock. The story its self was penned some seventeen years ago in a series of red school note books, in between customers at my Greeting card and gift shop. Being an avid reader of horror and adventure fiction novels and having a very active imagination I decided that it was not beyond the realms of impossibility that I could write one myself. The first thing I set about doing was to list all the things that scare me the most and what film scenes caused me the biggest fright. As a youngster the Hammer Horror films that probably would not scare many people today, even though fantastical in story offered a base realistic property to the setting that set them apart from the Hollywood films form the same era. With this in mind I built the story around a nightmare I once had and added everything that if I read myself would give the greatest chill.

The book was soon finished and being a pre E-book era, the only way to release my book to the masses was to get a publisher. Having a young family and the constant demands of running your own business, the book was soon forgotten and found its way into the bottom drawer of my bedside cabinet. That was until last year I read an article in a national newspaper how a woman published her book simply and free online at AmazonKindle books. She explained how many book sales she had achieved and recommended it to any other aspiring writers.

This lit the fuse and following the purchase of my first laptop computer I dug out my old manuscript and transposed it all into a crisp new digital format. Within three months, again in between customers at my shop, (Yes folks, I’m still there) I managed to complete my first fiction horror novel. The problem was that in my opinion it was woefully too short compared to the average novel of today so I changed the ending and converted my magnum opus into a two part story that converged as one in one thrilling finale. This second story took a lot longer to produce as instead of copying from hand written text, everything now had to come directly from the recesses of my old grey matter directly onto the page. Several months and numerous rewrites later, I am now able to announce that thebook is complete and online at the kindle book store for the incredibly lowprice of only £1.99. A small recompense I am sure for all the blood sweat and tears that went into this novel of which I am very proud and I hope you find a most enjoyable read.

You can also follow me on Twitter: @RussellKnighton