Saturday, 27 July 2013

Hi folks, just a few words to let you all know I'm still alive and kicking. I have been away for a few days to Disneyland Paris with my wife and daughter who is the worlds biggest Disney fan.We all had a great time apart from being roasted alive in the heatwave that has been sitting across the UK and parts of Europe for the past couple of weeks. Viewing some of the sights and trying out a few of the rides gave my quite a few ideas that can be used in future horror books. Now back home it has given me a new vigour to continue writing my latest book which is already a quarter of the way towards completion. This new tome has a science fiction theme which probably will not interest everyone but it is still a chilling vision of the future.
Fresh update coming soon as it is now time to get back to work.

Monday, 15 July 2013

Being a novice to the world of blogging I find it amazing that people from all across the globe with an internet connection have taken the time to browse at my mad musings !   
Anyway back to the task in hand. For two days last week I allowed my ebook Timelock to be available for a free download on the Amazon website. The response was phenomenal and I hope that it will provide an entertaining holiday read for the lucky few. If you missed your chance it is still available  for only £1.99 , a bargain if I say so myself ! ;)
Don't forget that  reviews are the lifeblood to internet sales so if you enjoyed it let prospective readers know.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Thank you

Welcome to my second post. First thing I would like to say is that I am overwhelmed by the number of people across the globe who have taken the time to read my first post. All I can say is thank you.

Today is just a short blast for all you horror story fans that is that I am going to be offering my E-Book Timelock for free download on kindle books for two days on the July 11th and July 12th 2013. Should anyone trouble themselves to read my book I would be more than grateful if you could post a review on kindle.